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Threshold pic by Rob Burress

Booking | Johannes Laudenbach | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | +49(0)93135822473


Die 1988 von Gitarrist Karl Groom in Südengland gegründete Band Threshold war von Anfang an ein einzigartiges Projekt. Angetrieben von jugendlichem Selbstvertrauen und Elan, wurden sie schnell zu Großbritanniens führender Band im Prog Metal. Seit dem Debütalbum "Wounded Land" aus dem Jahr 1993 entwickelte der kreative Kern um Gitarrist Karl Groom und Keyboard-Maestro Richard West eine einzigartige neue Art von schwerer, progressiver Musik, die prägnante Melodien, zum Nachdenken anregende Texte und komplizierte, aber donnernde Arrangements kombiniert. Dass sie das seit jeher erfolgreich umsetzen, beweisen ihre mittlerweile 12 veröffentlichten Alben.

Founded by guitarist Karl Groom in southern England in 1988, Threshold were a unique proposition from the start. Driven forward by youthful confidence and verve, they swiftly became the UK’s premier purveyors of adventurous and progressive metal. Since their debut album "Wounded Land" in 1993, the creative core around guitarist Karl Groom and keyboard maestro Richard West has developed a unique new kind of heavy, progressive music that combines concise melodies, thought-provoking lyrics and complicated but thunderous arrangements. Their 12 released albums prove that they have been doing this successfully ever since.


“THRESHOLD have once again underlined their absolutely outstanding status in progressive metal. The fact remains: THRESHOLD is the best band in the world!”

“You can say what you like, but Threshold are an absolute force in the field of melodic progressive metal.”

“THRESHOLD are without a doubt one of THE institutions when it comes to melodic progressive metal. ”

ORIGIN: United Kingdom
STYLE: Prog Rock / Metal
RELEASE: Dividing Lines
LABEL: Nuclear Blast