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Booking | Jan Wischkowski| This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | +49(0)93135822473


Pagan Black Metal aus Athen! Seit etwa 30 Jahren erforscht die Band die griechische Mythologie, Literatur und Mysterien und wohl keine andere fängt die Essenz dieser Geschichten und Zeiten so gut ein wie Kawir. In all den Jahren ihrer Bandgeschichte, haben es Kawir geschafft, die Erhabenheit der griechischen Mythologie und die Darstellung griechischer heidnischer Kunst mit ihrem einzigartigen Spagat zwischen exzellentem Pagan und Black Metal zu kanalisieren.

Pagan Black Metal from Athens! For about 30 years the band has been exploring Greek mythology, literature and mysteries and probably no other captures the essence of these stories and times as well as Kawir. In all the years of their band history, Kawir have managed to channel the majesty of Greek mythology and the representation of Greek pagan art with their unique balancing act between excellent pagan and black metal.

“Among the releases from the Greek black metal scene in the last few years, "Kydoimos" is definitely a highlight.”

“A ninth full-length album from a well-proven, adaptive entity unafraid of fluxion ‘Kydoimos‘ is among the most ambitious and tonally rich works from the now three-decade strong artist as they enter the next stage of their ascension.”

“With "Kydoimos", Kawir has succeeded in creating a very strong work that skillfully maintains the balance between epic and frenzy!”

ORIGIN: Greece
STYLE: Black Metal
RELEASE: Kydoimos
LABEL: Soulseller Records